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Auto Accident & Injuries

Accident and Work Injury Clinic specializes in helping patients deal with all aspects of automotive accidents and personal injuries. It is important to know your rights and we will help you to understand them. The first step is scheduling an appointment with our staff in order to have a proper evaluation so you can document your medical symptoms and get you the medical coverage you need. Insurance companies are usually helpful when you provide them with the required information. Need an appointment? Email us @ or

Auto Accident

Auto accidents can have a significant impact on our lives, especially when injuries are involved. Even minor injuries can have a long lasting impact if they aren't diagnosed properly and dealt with in a timely manner. Don't hesitate to seek medical care because you are unsure of how to handle the process or don't want to deal with insurance companies or attorneys. 

The most important thing you can do following an auto accident and/or injury is to properly document your case. Dr. Gadalla is trained to accurately diagnose and treat injuries related to an accident/injury and properly document that information. This is critical when insurance companies process your claim and can help you to get the medical coverage, reimbursements. Insurance companies are usually helpful providing all what you need, when you provide them with the correct information.


Personal Injuries

Personal injuries are something we take very seriously. It is critical to have an injury examined and treated as soon as possible after the incident. Certain injuries such as soft tissue damage can be hard to prove without immediate treatment and documentation. This can help eliminate an argument that neglect of timely attention worsened a previous condition.

Our staff’s knowledge and experience in diagnosing, treating your pain, and documenting your symptoms makes a substantial difference and can significantly improve your medical outcome. Your health should always be your first priority – a medical exam after a car accident can help diagnose serious injuries like whiplash, concussion, or even traumatic brain injury/TBI. Sometimes these injuries don't lead to immediate symptoms, and by not seeking medical care, you could be putting your health at risk.

How Can We Help? need an appointment?

If you have been in pain due to an Auto Accident or Workers Comp injury, send us a message and your claim number below and we will get back to you! Email us @ or